Welcome to my page. I like to code in UE4. Most of my projects will be done using that engine. Here are some things I've worked on:
Turbo Drive Panic
UE4: Originally a Game Jam project, now a really fun game we're still working on.
Dice or Die
UE4: In this Mario Party-like game I was tasked with multiple gameplay mechanics in this project such as movement within tiles, having a switchable camera system (static and freeroam one, although moveable only in 2 planes to focus only on the game board) and I also worked on a minigame which was in the form of LightGun in the style of Duck Hunt.
List of gameplay mechanics displayed:
UE4: A First Person survival horror game. It was a good first taste of what it's like to work with a team with many roles. Some things from that project that were made by me were:
UE4: A sidescroller platformer prototype I started experimenting different mechanics in.
Photoshop (before I got competent in GIMP): Box Art for a game idea. Screenshots are from A Robot Named Fight! by Morningstar Game Studio.